The Louisiana Trader

OA Lodge (#151 through #200)

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179 Alibamu 109341   A1 A1 "25th ANNIVERSARY"; "1965" Sold 0
179 Alibamu 109348 S4b S4 Dash; thick "179"; VER white sashes; top corner of "7" is flat Sold 0
179 Alibamu 109349 S4c S4 Dash; thick "179"; VER white sashes; top corner of "7" is rounded Sold 0
179 Alibamu 109356 S6 S7 "HOST 1979 SE-4A CONCLAVE" Sold 0
179 Alibamu 109369 S13 S14 CD; YEL border Sold 0
179 Alibamu 109376 S18b S20 RED bkgd; BLK bdr; 121x55mm; CB Sold 0
179 Alibamu 128535 S32a   VIG; GMY bdr; square corners; RED arrowhead with GRN arrow; WHT WWWs; only 210 issued in 2001 to VIG members only Sold 0
179 Alibamu 129279 S37   "NOAC 2004"; BLK bdr; Trader Sold 0

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This page last revised on 05/20/2014.